The juicing fad seems to finally start coming to an end. At one point, it felt like life was all about juicing. You are not doing it right if you are not juicing. There is no way your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Juicing is the healthiest diet out there. And even claims of individuals that cured their cancer with juicing. All the magical potion claims finally caught my attention.
One fine Friday afternoon, I myself fell into this trap. After work, I drove to my closest Bed Bath and Beyond and I purchased what was going to be my first juicer! Yes! Now I am about to start having all the vitamins my body needs! Bring on the flawless skin and the hot body I’ve always wanted!!! Well, spoiler alert…that was not quite the outcome.
Not being a vegetable lover myself, I found juicing as a gateway to maybe incorporate those vegetables I would not otherwise eat. I then went online and saved hundreds of recipes (till today I am still deleting some of those pictures from my phone), maybe thousands. I tried so many recipes and I liked some of them and could not drink others.
I found myself leaning more towards the fruits that I would normally eat and so I knew at that point it was time to sit down and do my research. I know what you’re thinking, do the research before buying the juicer! I most definitely agree. However, sometimes we just have to try things ourselves to find out what works.
After going through the internet and reading anything from articles to blogs to watching YouTube videos, I came to my own conclusion. Yes, juicing may be somewhat beneficial especially for those picky eaters (like myself) to incorporate some of those foods we would not otherwise eat.
But hey! I can do the same thing with a smoothie! Even better!!! I can still keep all that fiber instead of putting it to waste or using it as compost. For my smoothies, I currently use this Ninja Master Prep Chopper, Blender, Food Processor (QB900B) you can obtain from Amazon. I’ve had this blender for about 3 years now and it is great even with my frozen coffee which by the way the broke the blades off my Magic Bullet.
And so, after this realization (about 6 months later), I walked myself over to Bed Bath and Beyond with my receipt and my juicer and I exchanged it for a food saver. Why a food saver? Click here to learn more.
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