I am back!

Estimated read time 4 min read

It has now been over 2 years since I last logged in.

I am not going to lie…I got lazy…and this is an understatement.

Life happened, time went by and 2 years later I decided, I am ready to take upon the challenge I gave myself 2 years ago. I am back and I have a goal to continue sharing my passion with you.

When we lost Morgan, we lost a piece of our heart

Quick life update:

During the past 2 years, we moved to a new home, we sold our first home, I turned 30, we got married, we had to put our dog down, we got a new puppy, and I was promoted at work, twice. We celebrated many good times, and also had some difficult times. But here we are, back at it and I am diving right into it.

The day we picked up our new puppy – Welcome Bacon!

During the past couple of years, we ordered out A LOT and I continued to gain weight. I could not seem to lose weight which was not normal for me. I signed up for the gym, I went to Orange Theory for 1 year, I tried “eating healthy” but nothing worked. Yes, I lost some weight and although I was much happier with my body, I was not feeling how I wanted to feel.

Then 2020 happened, and surprise! coronavirus happened.

All of a sudden, our entire life changed right before our eyes. We were quarantined, working from home (thankfully we both are able to work remotely) and we knew, and to this day, know very little about the virus. So we were very apprehensive about ordering in.

I decided to start cooking at home. I took up on cooking and I made it my hobby, started to make almond milk, bake my own bread, and basically cook everything from scratch. Little did I know, this was my key to weight loss. Not only did I cook but I also cooked keto-friendly meals only. Baking my own break allowed me to keep track of carbs easier, make food using healthy fats, and avoid fillers and preservatives.

I am not going to lie, it was hard. To this day, I hear my husband say: “Take a break today, we can order in” and it is tempting…very tempting. At least my lazy self thinks so. However, I know that because of the way I am, if I stop for one day, that’ll turn into a week and before I know it, we will be ordering in all the time. And so, I have decided to pass up these offers and continue cooking. The reason why? Because I feel great, I lost most of the weight I gained, my acid reflux is gone, we are saving tons of money (no, I am not exaggerating) and honestly, I feel healthier than ever. No, I have not gotten better with my picky eating, but, even though I don’t really eat veggies, eating at home, is working for me.

My next goal? Exercise. I have been a little lazy about working out daily. What we are doing is taking daily walks. This has been very helpful especially since we are working from home. Our bodies need that South Florida Warmth and it is nice to be out in the sun for a bit. So even though I am not doing hours of exercise, I am at the very least taking a 20 min walk daily. But today we took our usual walk and worked out. Today was a success and hopefully, tomorrow will be as well.

Officially Husband and Wife !

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